Friday, June 26, 2009

I yuv dat song.

For those of you who know Brennady know that she has the sweetest personality. She is the cutest kid and is so sincere in all she does. She also has speech issues. She is not intelligable most of the time. Therapy is helping but the progress is slow. I was talking on the phone with Candice and was making the comment that no one had done something (I can't remember what it is, the Not-Me Monster has a room in the back at our house). Anyway, I said it in the sing-song sound of "who stole the cookies from the cookie jar" when Brennady happened to mosey into the room at that time. She sat down and said to me, ohhh, I Yuv (translates to love) dat song! It struck me hilarous. I am still laughing about it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Does someone have a brown paper bag...I may throw up.

WE DID IT!!! WE LISTED THE HOUSE. (reminding myself to breathe...breathe in, breathe in, breathe in, wait, it is supposed to be breathe in, breathe out, breathe in--I need that bag people!) We listed the house. There is a sign in the yard, a lock box on the door and the papers are signed. We will be in the MLS Monday. (breathe in, breathe out, breathe in). I know this is the right decision for our family, but there are so many questions and unknowns when you put your house on the market. What if they don't like the house, (breathe in) what if we sell the house really fast (breathe out) what if we don't sell the house like we need to (breathe in) what if interest rates skyrocket and we can't afford the new house now (breathe out). I had so much anxeity on the way home from work tonight. It made me feel physically ill. I couldn't even eat. We decided to give us the best spot on the market we would list at 119, 900.

If you know someone that is looking for a good first time home buyer home, with a few extras, send them our way. They can use the 8000 tax credit on this house. We want to sell. We are going to get the building started on our new home.

Updates on the house progress

We have made many many many updates to our home. This is our sunroom. I turned it into a library/sewubg area. The rug in there is a scrap of carpeting left over from when we updated the carpeting.
Asche decided that this rug was put on the floor specifically for him to move around.
The little girls' room. Are they not just the cutest when they are sleeping.
Our front room. I got new lamps, new to us chairs, and rearranged the furniture.
The new painted dining room. It is a soft creamy buttery yellow color.
Our updated family room. I am accenting in grey-blue and sea glass green. The pillows are not for laying on and the blanket on the chair is to die for soft.
Moving the rug.
The older two and the baby's room. Instead of messing up the bed they sleep on it and then just throw their stuff back on it in the morning.
Another picture of the front room. This wall divides the living room from the hallway and bedrooms.
Moving the rug again.
This is where the rug really belongs. But Asche has other design ideas in mind for it.
Since we moved the room this way it looks so much bigger.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Getting closer

We are getting closer to being ready to list the house. This has been a challenge with 5 little friends who are working steadily behind me undoing the work that has been done. We have painted until our shoulder's ache and I have a tension headache in my neck from using my dominate arm to paint. Also, there is about 1200 square feet of brand spankin' new carpet. This went in all three bedrooms, down the hall, in the living room, in the family room, and all the closets. One would think this is what you would normally do, but evidently the previous owner missed that memo. There was a different carpet in every room, the hallway and the living room was the same but the carpet in the hall closets was different. There was a different carpeting in the TV room, but it did match the sun room which has a dark green marble-looking tile in it. I am excited about our new carpet. The flow of the home is so much more smooth now and I hope that our future buyer loves it as much as we do. Now we just have to finish staging. I will update with pics as we get done with the rooms.