Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Holy socks?

I love that little girls play with dolls, everything is pink. Olivia tells me she loves pretending to be a ballet-er. I love that my little girls will comb my hair when I am trying to nap (sometimes they even cut it with real scissors but that is another story). I love that we own more pink than just about anyone on the block. I think girls are marvelous. I know I am raising 4 of my best friends.
That said I love that I have a boy and how different they are. I love that he is more physical and just rougher in his lovin's with me. I think that he is an amazing little being. I have proof there are some other fundamental differences between boys and girls. Boys are more interested in how stuff works. Asche is always looking at things and turnin them over in his hands. He just needs to know it all goes together. He is harder on stuff too. Look at these cute little baby toes sticking out the hole in his sock. How does one get a hole in a baby sock? I am not sure.

I know it looks like I have death grip on his foot, but have you ever tried to snap a picture of a wiggly baby who believes that kicking feet is the best? No babies were harmed in the taking of these photos (and no extra holes either).

1 comment:

  1. Boys are great, aren't they. My experience with girls has just started, but to put it simply, I'm tickled pink.
