Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The "n"th degree

My painting fiasco went from a great big freaking mess in our front room to a stinky smelly wet mess. We were all done with the rooms. Walls painted, touch ups fixed, trim painted, closet painted, everything. All that was left to put my house back in order was to finish sorting through the things in the front room and put back what needed put back and DI the rest of it. We decided that we would put the baby's crib in the front bedroom. It is arranged so that it won't look cramped in there and it gets it out of our bedroom, which really doesn't have room for it in there. We had to move the fish tank. This is not a cute little bowl that sits on the counter. This is a serious tank. 30 Gallons of water fit in this tank. We have a plectosmus that is about a foot long and then another fish named Dinner. It is a white fish, honestly I don't know what kind and don't care to know. I feed it each night and that is all that matters. These two fish live in the tank in the older girls' room and the light serves as a night light and white noise for them (the filter runs and makes a low toned even sound all night). We had to move this tank from it's current place on the far wall to the back wall so we can fit the older two's bed and the baby's crib. Instead of emptying the tank to a managable weight, Ken decided that he was Superman (a complex he has had since before we met) and that he could just move it--stand and all. In the process of moving it we hear a pop and the stand didn't sit like it was supposed to. It was leaning to one side. Sure enough, we had broken one of the welds. This was not something we were going to ignore so we went to Wal-Mart and got another stand so we could transfer the tank to it. We got home and again, instead of emptying the tank to a manageable weight he just tried to move it. The last weld gave way and the tank slid to one side and the castle that was in the tank crashed into the glass and broke the tank. We immediately had fish, plecostomus, rocks, castle, broken glass, filter, and 30 GALLONS OF SMELLY STINKY FISH-POOPY WATER ALL OVER THE CARPET!!!! We were able to save the fish (dang it anyway) and I went back to Wal-Mart for a 10 Gallon tank to house our fish. The problem now is how do we get the water up. We do have a shop vac and were able to get the rocks, glass, and a lot of the water sucked up. I couldn't get all the water. The carpet was still soaking wet. I made another trip to Wal-Mart to get a fan so we could try and dry the carpet so we didn't have to add moldy mildew smell to our odorifis concoction we already have. We had already planned on replacing the carpet in the bedroom and front room, but now we get to do it sooner rather than later. Thank heavens for 0% financing and hopefully we will just have to pay it off with the proceeds from the sale of our home.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like something DJ would do. The "Superman" complex must run in the family.
