Thursday, May 21, 2009

One and a half

One day when I was watching my sister's son, Logan, he was mad at me and was going thru a list of things he didn't like about me. He said, "I no like your house. I no like your hair, I no like your curtains, I NO like your truck!" He was about 2 1/2 when he was telling me this. He is such a smart aleck but cute as all get out. He has the biggest blue eyes that just glimmer when he is being a turkey.

So, when my sister texted me tonight and said that Logan said that Kaitlyn was the second cutest baby and asked me to guess who was the first cutest. I texted her back and said that it was him. She texted back and said that no, Logan said that Asche was the first cutest then Kaitlyn. I told her to tell him that I forgave him for not liking my curtains. She said that she told him that Kaitlyn was first then Asche was second. He told her Fine, they are both one and half. I can settle for that (really, Logan was right the first time. Asche is first cutest).

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